Quinton's 90-Day Wellness Challenge 2025-04-08



Quinton's 90-Day Wellness Challenge for 2025-04-08

Quinton's 90-Day Wellness Challenge

2025 is approaching, and we are so excited to kick off our 90-Day Wellness Challenge!

Let?s make this the year we all push ourselves to thrive!

Here?s how it works:

- Fit3D Scan #1: $25, completed between January 3rd?10th, 2025.

- Fit3D Scan #2: $25, completed between April 1st?8th, 2025.

$300 Cash Prize to the member with the highest BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) increase.

We can?t wait to celebrate your hard work and results.

Contact Quinton at quinton.lundeen@arcisgolf.com, to Schedule your Fit3D scan and join the challenge!